
Well-Known Member
I've just lifted this off the Gov website and it appears to say that for Discos with 225 ppm the important date is march 2006, not 2001 !!!!

Cars registered on or after 1 March 2001 (based on fuel type and CO2 emissions)

The rates shown only apply to cars that have been type approved in category M1 and registered on the basis of CO2 emissions measured in grams per kilometre (g/km) driven. These details are shown on the Registration Certificate.
Petrol car (TC48) and diesel car (TC49)
CO2 emission (g/km) 12 months rate 6 months rate

A Up to 100 Not applicable Not applicable

B 101-120 £35.00 Not applicable

C 121-150 £120.00 £66.00

D 151-165 £145.00 £79.75

E 166-185 £170.00 £93.50

F Over 185 £210.00 £115.50

G Over 225 – for cars registered on or after 23/03/06 £400.00 £220.00

Sorry, the formatting didn't keep from ther website, but it's address is:
The cost of vehicle tax for cars, motorcycles, light goods vehicles and trade licences : Directgov - Motoring
Thats correct from march 2008 -April 2009 . Then it goes up for all cars after March 2001 to band K which is £300 per year. Then April 2010 it goes up to band M which is £455.
Have a look at this and put in your car details.Road tax - Parker's
what a fooking mess this whole thing is, wtf can't those bunch of stupid fooking muppets keep things fooking simple for a fooking change. fooks sake.

and relax.

my landy is ok but the wifey's car is 226g/km so that's gonna get hammered.
must find out how to hack into dvla and change the engine to 1.1 petrol...
your price will stay at what ever it is until march 13th next year, So if you've got a renewable due go for the 12 month so get in as much at the cheaper rate as possible...
From 13 March 2008 you'll pay £210.00

From April 2009, you'll pay £300.00

From April 2010, you'll pay a whopping £455.00

its all on the parkers site. (all those prices are for 12 months).... trade in your disco for a pre 2001 model, save yourself £255 a year by 2010... or by then as it'll be known... one tank of diesel!!
A suggestion here might be, as i will, refund your road tax the month before the change, and re-apply for 12 months at the , " soon to be old " rate.

Save yourself £80 odd quids !.

( robbin bastids ! ).
What the DVLA web site shows in the road tax rates is for this year only. The £400 rate is only a 'one off' on the first registration of a new vehicle with the highest emissions but for the second year the tax reverts to a lower rate.

Next year and the following year vehicles registered after March 2001 which are category a, b, c, etc. with have their rates changed some going up and some down there may also be additional categories.

Vehicles before March 2001 tax may/will increase by the usual annual incruments and will be taxed by their engine size up to 1600cc and then above 1600cc although the DVLA call a 1600cc a few cc's less something like 1598. So tax for a Tdi disco will be the same as for a 4.6 RR.

But it could all change as the only thing to be passed into law at present is the £400 rate for the first registration the rest hasn't as yet. Hence the uncertanty of what the new vehicle categories and tax rates will be.
A suggestion here might be, as i will, refund your road tax the month before the change, and re-apply for 12 months at the , " soon to be old " rate.

Save yourself £80 odd quids !.

( robbin bastids ! ).

If you do this ,be sure you declare the vehicle on SORN as knowing those robbing b......s they'll send you a fine through the post.
When this bunch of useless, spineless, two faced, back stabbing, lying, cheating, corrupt, incompatant, bull**** spouting, champagne socialist cock sucking pigs win the next election, all this about pree 2001 vehicles being safe will sonn be swept under the carpet and they will push the cut off date back to 1995 or later.

The Scottish Dictator wants us all in crappy little Prious's or G-Wiz's, whilst he gets whisked around in his armoured Zil.

The bad news is the "Just call me Dave" isn't far off being as utterly **** as the current bunch of scumbag mother ****ers, and he too is delided by this whole man made global warming bull****. I mean, come on, GLOBAL WARMING??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For ****s sake, it's bloody August and I'm sat here in the office with a frigging jumper on. In August for ****s sake! Global Warming? What an absolute bunch of arse. It's done nowt but **** it down for weeks, so don't go giving me that crap.

Ah, but what if this is just a freak summer? Ok. What about 2007 then? Nope. That was **** too. 2006? Wrong again, that was another none summer.

And even if this crock of crap about man made global warming was true, and every man, woman and child deserved to get taxed to absolute death, it wouldn't make a blind bit of differance, as countrys like India and China release 1000's% more Co2 than this ****ty little isle does anyway. And since when has ****ing plant food been bad for the planet? The great big lump of rock which spins round and round a ****-off huge star which is in the process of exploding, (ie; the sun), has for eternaty had massive flucktuations in it's temprature. Dinosors anyone? Ice age? Mini Ice Age, (otherwise known as the dark ages)? Or what about the fact the the bloody Romans where growing grapes for wine production in the North of England 2000 years ago? It must have been a bloody scourcher back then eh? Cant see much evidance of them lot tear arseing around in de-catted V8 chariots?

Man Made Global Warming? Stick it up your arse!

"New" Labour? Just as bad as the last lot of commies in the 70's. And know Mr prudent chancellor, Mr one eyed, slack jawed thieving, inept ****er, all your pidgeons are coming home to roost. You've left us unprepared for any sort of global financial hardship whilst you have spunked billions upon billions away on illegal wars, millenium domes, wembly, goverment run IT schemes, benifit culture, civil servents, red tape, the list goes on.

So thanks a lot Teflon Tony. Thanks a lot slack jawed Gordo. We're all going to hell in an hand cart and it's all your fault.

Utter, utter, utter ****s!

Even a ****ing idiot could see this **** coming a mile off 5+ years ago.

"New" Labour? Get ****ed! :mad:
When this bunch of useless, spineless, two faced, back stabbing, lying, cheating, corrupt, incompatant, bull**** spouting, champagne socialist cock sucking pigs win the next election, all this about pree 2001 vehicles being safe will sonn be swept under the carpet and they will push the cut off date back to 1995 or later.

The Scottish Dictator wants us all in crappy little Prious's or G-Wiz's, whilst he gets whisked around in his armoured Zil.

The bad news is the "Just call me Dave" isn't far off being as utterly **** as the current bunch of scumbag mother ****ers, and he too is delided by this whole man made global warming bull****. I mean, come on, GLOBAL WARMING??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For ****s sake, it's bloody August and I'm sat here in the office with a frigging jumper on. In August for ****s sake! Global Warming? What an absolute bunch of arse. It's done nowt but **** it down for weeks, so don't go giving me that crap.

Ah, but what if this is just a freak summer? Ok. What about 2007 then? Nope. That was **** too. 2006? Wrong again, that was another none summer.

And even if this crock of crap about man made global warming was true, and every man, woman and child deserved to get taxed to absolute death, it wouldn't make a blind bit of differance, as countrys like India and China release 1000's% more Co2 than this ****ty little isle does anyway. And since when has ****ing plant food been bad for the planet? The great big lump of rock which spins round and round a ****-off huge star which is in the process of exploding, (ie; the sun), has for eternaty had massive flucktuations in it's temprature. Dinosors anyone? Ice age? Mini Ice Age, (otherwise known as the dark ages)? Or what about the fact the the bloody Romans where growing grapes for wine production in the North of England 2000 years ago? It must have been a bloody scourcher back then eh? Cant see much evidance of them lot tear arseing around in de-catted V8 chariots?

Man Made Global Warming? Stick it up your arse!

"New" Labour? Just as bad as the last lot of commies in the 70's. And know Mr prudent chancellor, Mr one eyed, slack jawed thieving, inept ****er, all your pidgeons are coming home to roost. You've left us unprepared for any sort of global financial hardship whilst you have spunked billions upon billions away on illegal wars, millenium domes, wembly, goverment run IT schemes, benifit culture, civil servents, red tape, the list goes on.

So thanks a lot Teflon Tony. Thanks a lot slack jawed Gordo. We're all going to hell in an hand cart and it's all your fault.

Utter, utter, utter ****s!

Even a ****ing idiot could see this **** coming a mile off 5+ years ago.

"New" Labour? Get ****ed! :mad:

I think you've just about hit the nail on the head there mate:cool:
It rains a lot on a warmer planet.....something to do with evaporation I believe. :)

Just gonna go get my tin hat now and duck.:D

As for the rest of Disco Moneypits diatribe (Tony, Gordo et al) gotta say I agree.
How come there aint more rainforests popping up everywhere with all this global warming
Disco moneypit for pm. Labour out. Disco moneypit for pm. Labour out. Disco moneypit for pm Labour out.

:p :p :p :p :p
Disco moneypit for pm. Labour out. Disco moneypit for pm. Labour out. Disco moneypit for pm Labour out.

:p :p :p :p :p

I'll tell you what, I'd love to get my hands on this country.

One of the things that I hate the most is my money being wasted. I reckon that I could save this country BILLIONS OF POUNDS EVERY YEAR just by getting rid of all the goverment none jobs and ridiculas schemes such as the olyimpics, (already £20'000'000'000 (20 billion) over budget and counting), and various stupid IT projects). The NHS IT project is already so far over budget that most people can't remember by how much it is, and it has been delayed so much that when it does finally come out, it will be out of date and obsolete.

Added to that, how much are we spending in Iraq / Afganistan? How much do we give to the EU each year? All that is doing is continuing Stalins work of creating a communist Europe. Just look at the fact that the EU accounts have never, ever been signed off for some idea of the massive amounts of corruption that take place.

Can you imagine running a business and never being able to sign of your accounts? HMRC would have you in the nick faster than you could say "soap on a rope".

Benifit Culture. I agree that there are some people in this country who do require and deserve benifits, but a great many who don't and just milk the system for every penny they can get. For them, being on benifits is a job.

My wifes from China. Over there is they feel that you are able bodied and your trying to claim benifits, you get given a choice if you haven't found work after, (I think) three months. If you want to continue to claim benifts, then you work for the state, sweeping the streets, repairing roads, cleaning bus stops, etc. If you don't do the work, you get nowt from the Goverment. Believe me, people would much rather be emplyed than do manual labour for the Goverment. Out there, being on benifts is seen as shamefull, like you have failed your family.

We are in for a whole world of **** during the next five or so years, and it could take as long as twenty years to get ourselves out of this mess.

The Goverment and it's propoganda arm, (the BBC), says that we are not in a reccession. The machines that I sell will go to all different sorts of industrys. Food stuffs, textiles, retail, manufactoring, engineering, recycling, etc. If my own business and that of a great many of my customers is anything to go by, then believe me, we are already in a reccession. "Credit Crunch" is just another way of saying it.
It rains a lot on a warmer planet.....something to do with evaporation I believe. :)

I'm not going to be so blinkered as to say that the climate isn't changing, because it is.

However, there is absolutly no firm evidance to point towards mankind being the instigator of any of this, and a hell of a lot more evidance to suggest that our weather patterns are directly influanced by the sun.

MMGW is just an excuse to tax us to the hilt. Just like "The War On Terror" is an excuse to increase the survailance that we are all under.
Now, where are these weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

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