
New Member
Hello all,
Can i just start by saying that i am a bit of a tool when it comes to car mechanics.
Ok, i have a battery drain issue on my 99 DT which i have found to be only a problem outside my home.
I have had it at work for two weeks and car started after 5 days of standing. last week it was at home and batt went flat after 2 days.
So, i thought i had corrected this prob by disconnecting the blue wire from the RF unit only to find out that this didnt work. I decided to remove the unit completely as my fob doesnt work anyway so didnt see it as being a problem. So after removing said unit and losing my radio reception and looking on here i have realised that i have removed completely the WRONG thing!!!!
So can anyone help me with how to get correct unit off/disconnected with possibly some images to boot?
Like i said i am a bit of a tool. Be gentle and type SLOWLY!!! haha
Thanks in advance.
as j the range said but take both plugs off to disconnect compleatly.fob not working?have you changed batteries?if you get fob working change r/f to latest model.
I wouldn't disconnect both plugs just the single blue one. As said above I would get the basics right first by getting the fob working properly, also might be worth checking the battery is a good'un, p38 hate weak batteries. Sounds like you'll need the newer type reciever.
yes,its on the drivers door,the front one furthest from the pavement,near the steering wheel.with the r/f receiver disconnected the key should open all door locks and tailgate.if it doesnt then there are more problems.:monitor_punch:

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