
New Member
The reversing display on my Disco 4 has recently started to exhibit a problem. The screen always indicates a non-existent obstacle (a red highlighted area) in the same position whenever the reversing camera is enabled; of course this accompanied by the warning beep.

I have cleaned the camera and sensors to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea of what/why this might be happening?

Thank you
Defective rear PDC sensor - whichever block shows red, it'll be the corresponding sensor (or possibly the harness), swap it with another one to confirm sensor or harness.
Welcome to the asylum. Have you checked it's not just a sensor in the rear bumper? I think the wiring can become corroded or a dodgy sensor itself, @gstuart will be the gentleman you need, not to mention others of course 😉 to run you through a few basic checks. If you've just got it & intend to keep it a diagnostic tool, GAP II I believe, will be invaluable at saving you large (diagnostic) bills, again plenty of advice on here, all the best.

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