
New Member
Hi guy n gals hope you are all well? Had my TD4 a month now and really like it to drive, 2000 on an X everything right about it history wise etc, low mileage blah blah great off road when i'm off shooting etc BUT... its been 1 thing after another going wrong with it, please tell me they're not all like this at this age??:eek: fuel tank pump went after a week, rear exhaust box needed replacing (ok I knew that when I bought it) central locking has got lazy, rear light wiring loom needs replacing AND NOW the fecking reverse lights don't work!! tested the bulbs and the fuse, all good SO is it change the reverse light switch on the gearbox?? Please tell me there is something else it could be you experts out there!?? On bended knee I ask your advice......cheers Andy (from Norfolk living in Suffolk, don't ever do that!!)

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