
OK so my saggy 1998 HSE headlining finally got so much on my nerves that I bit the bullet! I have recently recovered my MGTF hard top lining with lovely cream suede, and as it was so easy I decided to do the same on my Rangie..

Everything went surprisingly well, and after cans of high temp spray glue and a bit of dexterity I managed to get the suede all in to the curves of the liner shell (boy that old glue and foam is a messy business to remove!). I painted PVA sealant on the shell, and let it dry over night, before gluing so hopefully that gave it a good solid key to bond to.

Anyway the questions I have are:

1. Sunroof panel... consensus is remove glass panel, then ease it out from the top? Seems easy enough to do.... any tips appreciated.

2. Sunroof panel trim strip. It was all dirty so I washed it in my sink, and let it dry. It came up like new. Only problem is it has SHRUNK!! How the hell does it shrink as its rubber?! Anyway the question is where do I get new stuff? No trimmers seem to stock that 'double slot' type.

3. Now I have a cream roof (with light grey fixtures - which actually looks quite cool two-tone) - do I go for a cream leather interior, or keep my pretty immaculate pale grey leather? I am honestly torn on this. I love the cream, but it seems to wear much worse than the grey does?

Thanks in advance.
Haha you will have to post a picture first I was gonna go the suede route but decided not in the end.

I didn't take out my sunroof no need if you do the slide panel before refitting your new liner and my trim didn't shrink either cold water and persil did the trick for me


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