New Member
I was pouring a jerrycan of diesel into my 90 using one of these spouts. Upon removal, it became apparent that the black plastic portion that formed the flexible nozzle of the spout had parted company from the metal portion and dropped into the fuel tank. Athough I'm not particularly worried, I would very much like to get it out again if possible.

What are my chances of fishing this thing out again through the fuel filler? I'm guessing my chances are 'poor' and that the plastic spout is now a permanent addition to my 90 - sodding lump of tat.

....but if any one has any ingenious ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Undo the filler pipe between the tank and the metal filler Simplesss!!!
The trouble is that if I start fishing about with a hook and line, it's likely I'll still be there 20 hours later pale with hunger and high on diesel fumes. I find it very hard to let these things go. Maybe it should be just left in there. I'll think about it. :eek:
just remove the sender and fish it out.... easy???? surprised its not just sat in the pipe in view though as the pipe bends???

cheers steve
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just remove the sender and fish it out.... easy???? surprised its not just sat in the pipe in view though as the pipe bends???

cheers steve

The sender is defo an option. I just had a look down the filler with a torch and think the end of it may just be in view - it's difficult to tell.

If it is the spout in view, then it's a fair way down the filler tube, so I would probably need to float it up and grab it with a Leatherman or something. I will need to brim the tank (which is about 1/2 full at present)which risks flushing the thing down further and certainly wedging it in to the bend, but this may be a glimmer of hope.

Thanks for all your suggestions chaps. :) I'll have a go at it tomorrow.
If you can see the end then get a welding rod or coat hanger with the end hooked round that should do it.

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