Car fixed... by god probably...
So I cut the white wire pin 9 c120 from becm, no ignition 12v, ignition position1 12 v, ignition position2 12 v. I fed the rest of the wire that goes to the fusebox wit ground and started her up. Runs like a charm, and I say that because engine is new, 1600km,

, than measured wire from becm pin 9, now it was ground. Whaaaaaat? And in one of my many dumb moments I said that I shoud connect it while engine running with the wire that goes to the fusebox, that was still connected to ground by me. Did that, than I removed the jumper to ground that I made so the conections now are as they were initially. Than stopped the engine, and started it like 30 times to be sure because I could not belive that is cured.
Will see in the morning if she still behaves

Did a lot of things to fix this but in the end I actually did nothing. Maybe discovered a way to start your p38 when it is immobilised.
I suspect a transistor or something in the becm that tripped.
Thanks everyone for your involvement and especially god

. Please fix all other issues with my p38 in the same manner