Jez Foden

I have a very worn diff on my 110 rear axle, fitted with a salisbury axle and i want to have it properly repaired, not get something full of britparts. I don't want to get anything secondhand or replace it with a different type, but just want a good repair which will stand the test of time. Can anyone recommend a reputable repairer around the Yorkshire area. Thanks.
I don't know why Britpart gets such a hard time on here? Ok, their parts are sh*te but the boxes they come in are a lovely blue colour and very sturdy for using on ebay and the like!
yeah they get a rough time ,,,but on a lighter note their big boxes are coming in really useful for my house move .,,,,:D
I don't know why Britpart gets such a hard time on here? Ok, their parts are sh*te but the boxes they come in are a lovely blue colour and very sturdy for using on ebay and the like!

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