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Mate has a TD5 Defender 90 and brought it to me yesterday with a knock on the back end. Didn't take long to find the top bush on near side rear shock was worn. Rather that replace the shocks, which seem to be fine, I've ordered some replacement poly-bushes. I've got two questions.
Are the original bushes a PITA to get out?
Can you do it by just taking off the top nut? ie will the shock pull off the top mount by flexing enough on the bottom bush?

I'm just wondering if I need to go to his with gear to get the bottom nut off without the shock rotating :rolleyes: :(
Anyone done the above, cheers.
I have changed them without removing from the axle. A large ish G clamp and socket large enough to push the old bush into may be handy.
IME, some are easy to change - some aren't - One PITA which infuriated me recently was that the chassis bracket thingies were the wrong size for the new polybushes - thankfully I had new ones in stock .... BUT, FFS!!!

Oh yeah, and old bushes were glued into the top of the shocker, and had to be ground out :rolleyes: :mad:

I found the boa constrictor thing for holding round pipe things really useful for holding the shocks to stop em turning too:)

If you're working on the ground it's probably easier to take a wheel orft .. but you knew that ;)

Good Luck :)
IME, some are easy to change - some aren't - One PITA which infuriated me recently was that the chassis bracket thingies were the wrong size for the new polybushes - thankfully I had new ones in stock .... BUT, FFS!!!

Oh yeah, and old bushes were glued into the top of the shocker, and had to be ground out :rolleyes: :mad:

I found the boa constrictor thing for holding round pipe things really useful for holding the shocks to stop em turning too:)

If you're working on the ground it's probably easier to take a wheel orft .. but you knew that ;)

Good Luck :)
Ha ha, some of the things I thought might make, what should be a simple job, a pain.
I wonder if these new fangled TD5's have an Allen key in the bottom shock stud? If not, I'll take the angle grinder to cut a slot in the end. May well end up being easier to take the shock off. I did wonder if the old bushes might be bonded in.
Old bushes come out easily once you've set 'em on fire. Stop the shock rotating with a chain ratchet or something similar.
Old bushes come out easily once you've set 'em on fire. Stop the shock rotating with a chain ratchet or something similar.
:D:D I know that, but was considering replacing them with the bottom bush still attached.
Done mine last month
For the low cost of the lower bushes replaced both so took of the vehicle
I ran a drill through the rubber all round and the bushes just about fell out
Done mine last month
For the low cost of the lower bushes replaced both so took of the vehicle
I ran a drill through the rubber all round and the bushes just about fell out
So do you think your top bushes were bonded in or pressed fit?

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