
Well-Known Member
Just spent a pleasant afternoon replacing the plugs (green) by the A posts . Now the Nanocom will talk to the suspension and ABS. The only problem I have is that now I cant stand up or walk. 3 hours on my knees have done me in,but at least I shouldn`t have to do it again..
Any photos? Where did you source the replacement plugs?

Know the feeling, had the same after redoing the DVD players, screens, etc etc after pulling the carpet.
I didnt use plugs, I soldered the joints and used heat shrink on every one. Whisky and bath sounds good, but I am tea total.
I didnt use plugs, I soldered the joints and used heat shrink on every one. Whisky and bath sounds good, but I am tea total.
You can have the tea I'll take care of the whisky for you. I'm not fussy as long as it's smooth:p:D
You'll have to wash his back for the whisky,you may end up on your knees again.:eek::D:D
Washing backs no problem, we used to wash each others when in showers after a shift down pit. Just had to make sure not to drop your soap:p:p Getting down on the knee now that is a different matter:D:D

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