andy vash

Active Member
Hi, due to an advisory l’m looking to replace the brake pipes on my 2004 Defender.
On eBay you can buy ready made brake pipes which l’m intending use. However looking at the ads there are two options, vehicles with a pressure reduction valve, and without.
Did the 90 Td5 have this valve?
I 'think' they do, certaily the Defenders 200 and 300tdi's do.
On the earlier model its in the engine departmenton the chassis rail below the pedal box behind the steering box and on the later it's on the box/footwell itself below the clutch pedal box.
There is no difference in the pipe itself, just the lengths and the connections.
Better have a look at your own truck, after 18 years it is the only way to be sure. It should be on the OS chassis rail near the footwell.
Is this the valve?

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