Ranger Bob

New Member
3 of my local dealers in North Yorkshire have informed today that cannot get replacement keys for the P38 as the company is in trouble and may have gone bust recently, Strange that despite this they still wanted me to hand over £200 before they would try and order me one :eek:

I presume the company they are talking about is Huf in Germany and if so are their any other options available as I need a replacement key otherwise my car is going to be stood around for months if I lose my only remaining key :doh:
I don't believe there are any other options open at the moment. Bloody bad news for anyone who only has one key.
I am sure Land Rover have a legal obligation to supply spares for x amount of years after the end of production.
I hope you are wrong. I handed over £130 to main dealer in Stockton on Saturday for a replacement key. It should arrive @ Saturday. I will let you know how I get on. They did mention something about another £40 to program it, is that correct?
Seems unlikely the HUF Hulsbec & Furst GMBH will go out of business, they are part owned by Siemens AG, a pretty big group.
They also supply keys to Mercedes according to their web site.
Still you never know.
Well I spoke to Stockton today and they reckon they can get one in a week, thing is the same dealership in Pickering said they have been waiting over 6 weeks and no joy.

I also spoke to Land Rover Customer Care who said that they had an issue recently but it has been resolved and they are back to normal :rolleyes:

Well going to order tomorrow at Stockton and lets see what happens
when you pick up your new key, ..dont let them charge you £40, quid to program it,, ask them what they do???? I just put my new key in the ignition, turned the key.. Hey presto.. It programmed itself....
is this the only way to get a new key from the main stealer? even if you have 1 opperational key is there no way to get it duplicated?
HUF turnover was about €777million last year, they have operations in about 20 countries and make the locking systems for 18 marques.
After many enquiries it seems that Huff did have a tooling problem but it has recently been sorted and they are clearing the back log.

I should have the new key within two weeks - lets see

Am I right in thinking that the £40 they charge for programming it is a rip off and that i dont need it.
Rang Hunters in Kings Lynn a week ago, quoted £145, no other costs, possibly a couple of weeks wait, sometimes only a few days. Got to do it soon!!
Just to add fuel to the fire i ordered a new key fob on 26/01/2010 and i'm still waiting for it to arrive. Main stealers have told me they'll ring me on its arrival but i'm not holding my breathe.Good job the missus is under strict understanding that if she looses our only fob she going to be on public transport until it arrives.
After many enquiries it seems that Huff did have a tooling problem but it has recently been sorted and they are clearing the back log.

I should have the new key within two weeks - lets see

Am I right in thinking that the £40 they charge for programming it is a rip off and that i dont need it.

The dealer is trying to charge you for synching the key to the BECM. you can do this yourself if you read your handbook, 2 minute job normally.
Only HUF can program the Fob:D
It seems that there is indeed a problem getting replacement keys for a P38 from a dealer. I ordered one 10 days ago and am told it will be at least another week. Good old Landrover, at least they give consistant service, even if it is bad.
well nearly messed up the other day on the way to work,

opened the drivers door to close the gate as usual but my right arm pressed the door lock down on the way out, as I walked over to close the gate i heard the door lock and the door closing, I jumped backwards and slammed my hand in between the door ( blimey they are heavy ) :eek:

only just managed to stave off a disaster of my car locked an running sta in frotn of my driveway :doh:

Lucky escape as I would have been well stuffed for sure
Well the replacement key finally arrived today after waiting for 9, yes 9 weeks just synched it to car and it works fine.Land Rover really does need to sort this replacement key problem out and whilst their at it send there staff on some form of customer relations course because the impression that i got is they are either just plain ignorant or just dont fooking care.
Well, Landrover have tried twice to supply me with a spare key and both times they are completely wrong, both blade and remote. I am told that someone has changed my locks and I will need to buy a new lock set. @£700. When I told them that was not an option and could I have my money back, I was told that I would get my money back when they were refunded by Landrover.
I called LR a couple of days ago to ask about the progress of my order with the new key, which I placed 1 month ago. Was told they are working through the backlog and that some ordered in Jan had been delivered. Triffic :eek: However the next day they called me to say mine had arrived.

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