
Hi Guys,
Iv been having endless issues with 3 Amigos, so after other things i got another SLABS. After fitting the new slabs I took it for a test drive and All was Finally working.... for the first run.

On second run the (!) has come on (Keeping in mind all other lights have been taped up by last owner, I think) and when I read the errors with the Hawkeye it now has 6 errors for ACE which were never there before. When I plug the old SLABS back in the (!) goes away after putting down the handbrake.

Now I have read that the ECU needs to programmed to "No ACE" my question is that when you replace the SLABS do you have to reprogram the ECU again?

I see the Hawkeye does not have this ability :(
Better explain clearely what you are doing there cos from that post of your's i can't understand as you mix things, you are speaking about SLABS then about ACE faults which are not related, what are those faults in the first place?... you say that the red brake warning goes away with the old SLABS if you release the handbrake so was the handbrake on with the new SLABS as well, do you have all the ABS related warnings on self test?...etc

i want to help you but i cant find any logic in your post at this time
My apologies, Its prob cause i dont understand it too well myself.

Some back ground:

This is how I got the Disco (Little did i know)
The HDC/TC/ABS lights on the dash dont light up on start, iv still need to look into that.
The ACE Tank is empty and Pump removed ect
Coil springs have been fitted all round - ECU set to coil springs

When using the SLABS that came with disco the handbrake light goes out after releasing the handbrake,like it should

Problem im trying to fix is 3 Amigos, Scanned with Hawkeye and shows no Current DTC for ABS and NO ACE DTC
- Replaced both front Hubs and wheel speed sensors - counted teeth and 60 in each (Was braking (TC) when reversing on full lock, but no abs when braking hard, always front left locking)
- All tire pressures and tread the same ( After doing this the issue was not as bad, but still there )
- Replaced Shuttle Valve

I ordered a new ABS Module and SLABS from Paul, the contact you gave me before so they have been tested.

Fitted the new SLABS unit from Paul first as its the easiest, took her out for a test run and ABS worked, TC worked and didn't test HDC. - And handbrake light went off when handbrake released.

Came back turned her off, left her for 5mins and went back out and noticed handbrake light was On and Handbrake was down, so I hit the brakes and no NO ABS/TC.

Got back and ran a scan and found 6 current ACE related errors.

Today I put back in the old SLABS unit and when releasing the handbrake the light goes Out BUT still no DTC for amigos nor do they work

Please let me know if this is easier to understand, i know it must be tuff for you to decode what us novices are trying to say sometimes :)

Still not crystal, explain these statements:

1. "Came back turned her off, left her for 5mins and went back out and noticed handbrake light was On and Handbrake was down, so I hit the brakes and no NO ABS/TC.
2. Got back and ran a scan and found 6 current ACE related errors"

1. the TC has nothing to do with hitting the brakes or do you mean the warnings? ... that red brake warning is not only for handbrake it's for low fluid too and part of the diagnostic protocol for system faults when it comes together with the 3 amigos... do you see the 3 amigos on self test now or not?
2. why did you scan the ACE ECU while your problem is with the SLABS? .... describe those fault codes as they are shown
1." the TC has nothing to do with hitting the brakes or do you mean the warnings" - yes im aware, I hit the brakes to test for ABS

That red brake warning is not only for handbrake it's for low fluid too - (I did not know that) and part of the diagnostic protocol for system faults when it comes together with the 3 amigos (I dont see these cause they have been tampered with by previous owner)... do you see the 3 amigos on self test now or not (No still no DTC for 3 Amigos)

Will go get DTC quick ....
Fact !" Tomorrow I strip the dash and fix em Lights !

Went and read the codes, forgetting I had the ACE ECU unplugged ... found that the faults have gone to Historical... here are some of the DTCs

4130 - Rear left Height sensor out of range / short or broken wire
4131 - Rear Right Height sensor out of range / short or broken wire
4136 - Event ON - Duration Valve LR
4151 - Rear Right (Power Amp. With .... )

I know this hard to believe but found these errors under ABS on the Hawkeye V7 ...

I then turned her off plugged the ACE ECU Back in and cleared the errors, the (!) has gone off and Amigos are working again ????

Not sure ...... shoot me !
It's not hard to believe at all cos those fault codes are SLS not ACE related, that's why it's named SLABS cos it's Self Levelling and ABS ECU...make sure that the SLABS is set to coils(no SLS) in Programming - Configuration, fix the warnings and you should be OK
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Well now at least you know im slightly crazy and have not lost it all together ! ... funny part is i know what SLABS stands for just assumed Self Leveling was referring to ACE ...

Thanks again for your extreme patience !
:D , no wories, ACE(active cornering enhancement) is a complete different system, hydraulic and it has it's own ECU...you'll learn in time;)
Yes thats for sure, like someone said to me the other day.... you must enjoy it if you have spent that much time on it :)

thnx again!
You torment yourself in vain as long as you dont make the warning lamps to work before anything else

Took cluster apart and low and behold, Speaker unplugged and most lights covered with insulation tape! Now I have all lights working :) nice easy fix !

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