
New Member
I am replacing head gaskets on my 1995 Disco 1 v8 starting tonight (wish me luck)....

Do I need to replace the head bolts or not? I have spoken to a local Land Rover garage twice - one bloke (the owner) said my bolts will be fine, another (at the same place!) said they would need to be replaced.

Once I have them out, can I inspect the bolts to see if they need replacing or if they are the type that must be replaced? How do I tell?
There are differing views on this subject. Do a search, I seem to remember some time ago two members having a right ding dong on this very question.

I have done head gaskets on my 3.9RRC twice now and not replaced the bolts with no apparent problem BUT do take the time and trouble to clean the bolts and also use a small piece of cloth or tissue down the bolt holes to soak up and remove any oil and dirt from the block where the bolts go. Keeping things clean is very inportant, even on an older engine.
Re: bolts, I think it depends which ones are in there now. I will take them with me to the Land Rover garage where I am having the heads surfaced to get a final opinion.

Thanks for the advice re: cleaning bolt holes/threads, I will do as you say.
Buy yourself a tap to clean the threads. I paid £4 for mine off UK eBay it made the job so simple and the tap will last for many years to come, I'm sure you'll find one on Oz eBay. I replaced the bolts when I changed my head gaskets simply because I didn't know the state of the existing items, £22 for the lot.:)
Thanks for the advice on the tap, I will investigate.

I do have to replace the bolts according to the Land Rover garage, and the whole set is about AU$70.
Thanks for the advice on the tap, I will investigate.

I do have to replace the bolts according to the Land Rover garage, and the whole set is about AU$70.

Engine threads are mainly UNC, but watch out for the occasional metric item!


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