HI evreyone
Iv just started my new project an 88 sw, im re-doing all the brakes at mo, iv removed the back drums no problem but iv tryed evreything on both the front drums but they wont budge at all. i started gently with a mallet iv tryed levering with pry bars iv just resoted to a lump hammer with no avail, they havent even moved a mm. Anyone got any bright ideas?
I had this problem they would not move at all. Then i got the old lump hammer:D out and just keep hitting it all round the edge, also hit on the front abit to see if it would brake what was holding it. after about 5 - 10 min they came off. turned out the brakes where stuck on.
hope this helps
try not hit the drums directly with a hammer as they'll break, use a lump of hardwood or similar in between
i was hitting them directly and they did not break

aren't you the lucky one

it's also possible to cross roads, with your eyes shut and not get knocked down by a bus - but you'd not be wanting to do that every time you cross ?
I couldn't get the rear drums off on mine. I'd worn the shoes down to nothing and they'd gone metal to metal, scored a big groove into the drum, so they weren't coming off no way no how. Hit them with lump hammer and smashed them off. Figured I'd need new drums anyway, they're not stupid expensive.

Remove hub complete with drum. Support drum on two bits of wood, protect hub with another bit of wood, then hit it with lump hammer. Hammer much more effective when travelling in same direction as gravity.

Alternatively, play a big gas blow-lamp over face of brake drum, occasional squirt of WD 40. The object is to get whole of drum warm, not a small area very hot. Keep tapping at same time.

One drum is off, clean up both contact faces, light smear of grease before assembly.

I once manage to DENT a Ford Transit brake drum never got it off.

have you got any lateral movement at all? I know you said you backed the adjuster off, but it is possible the shoes need backing off, right off, as there is probable excessive wear to the hub which has left a prominent ridge around the inner edge of drum, trapping it via the shoes.
And have you emery rubbed the rust off the hub from the drum to the axle flange. Not saying it'll fix your problem, but it might.
Thanks for your sugestions especialy w3526602's idea with the blow lamp will try that 2morow, theres no movment at all iv had a brake drum with a ridge in it but they would move then jam but this really wnt move a mm. So ill fry the blow lamp then if that dnt work take the hub off n if all else fails smash the living hell out of it n buy nice new shinny ones :D
Thanks Dan
Laruler - agree with you.
I always give it some serious direct hammer, (a bit of heat always helps too). Never had one break and never failed to get the drum off...

Never been run down crossin the road either lol.

er, if its got the hole in fer a screw thread, why not just jack them off with two bolts? get more pressure like that than yer will with a hammer !
Anyone know if disc brakes can replace stupid drum brakes easily?? I have had probs getting off drums, but the tapping of hammer on hardwood gradually round the edge, and moving drum side to side eventually works.