
Spreading Joy & Harmony
Right, just an idea. The power steering pump has gone on the 200tdi disco engine in my 90.

Now its the old N/A without power steering so the pump is redundant apart from driving the alternator belt. Would it be possible to remove the pump and put the alternator where the pump was and swapping the pulley wheels? Thus cutting out the ps pump altogether.

Idea? Thoughts? Laughter?
wouldnt it be easier to get another pump and pull tin res off ,remove rollers etc put back together and put some cv grease in then plugging holes
I'm looking for a pump as we write...but it wont be here til monday. So i'm trying to make a fix til then...i'm wondering if somehow i can take the body of the pump off but keep the pulley and fit new belts...that would allow the pulley to turn as the seized pump will be gone...not sure if thats poss??

Gone back to 2008 and can't find that thread.
Dont know for certain but would hope you could get a belt to fit without the power steering pump fitted at all.

iirc my 200tdi defender engine has the power steering pump on a separate belt/pulley as i was thinking about disconecting it a while ago. I have just bought a spare alternator belt for when i do the timing belt next week and could measure it for you later if you want.
Cheers Bobbler...prob is that the ps pulley wheel has 2 belts, 1 big round crank and fan/water pump and 1 small to i can 't run 1 belt...or if i did it would be huge!
Havent seen a 200tdi disco engine, i knew they were different but it sounds like they are quite a lot different.

defender engine looks like both belts come off crankshaft pulley. 1 does alternator and water pump, the other does the power steering pump. Or at least I think it does from memory. Its ****ing down ere and i dont fancy gettin wet going for a look.
No worrys mate...its gonna be raining here soon so i'm gonna get wet trying to take the ps pump off for a look at how to solve the bloody problem..i cant even put the 1 belt to the water pump on cos the pulley on the ps controls that and its solid.

Well i got pump off easy enough...but theres no way of having just the pulley, no pump i could put one long belt on...49 inches...anyone know a belt specialist?
Hmmm halfrauds do a belt which is that length...hmmm...i feel a bodge, i mean, genius idea coming on...
you can get longer belts but theres aligment issues ,someone on here made a specia; pulley to make alt alignment right ,but thats not going to help you,and carriers gone now so i couldnt send one to you for tomorrow pump that is
Cheers James...i've ordered a pump thanks, may spend £6 on this belt just out of curiosity.

And blow my land rover up.
Hmm may save my money...i see what you mean, the wp and crank pulleys line up perfect but the alternator pulley is set back by a good inch if not two...
Can't you just drive it till Monday if you really have to drive it that is!
At the worse it will shear the pulley off but not in that short amount of time?
Or have I missed the point and that's what has happened already?
Erm...cant drive it more than a mile or two as the water pump wont be working nor will the alternator be charging the battery...

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