
Active Member
next question, 109 is fitted with 5" spring over axel lift conversion. as i have not yet seen how this has been done, how easy is it to remove? just through interest if anyone has seen/ done it, as although i dont mind a small lift i think the 5" looks a little crazy tbh, a little monster truck territory.

Reasonably easy, springs and dampers out, its got to have extended brake lines on it..i'd like to see pics if you have any!!







ok there the pics, it has 200tdi engine in with original gearbox 115k on engine. 1972 tax exempt so original chassis etc to keep points. has got cab kit (think i will make it a pic up)
paid £1100 do you think this is a fair price or have i been ripped off?

(i am new to landy's I have only ever done mini's so am going in blind)

needs a little work, needs wiper arms, front seatbelts exhaust mounting correctly front diff is rumbling but a spare provided and may need to small plates welding on chassis
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Without even looking at the pics i'd say you have done very well...i shall now look at the
1. Get rid of the lift..its daft.

2. I think you have a cracking landy for 1100, well done mate.
haha, that looks so silly. I would have thought that if you had gone to the effort of doing the lift you would put BIG wheels on to proportion it all

But she does look a good landy if you ignore the height issue :)
Nowt wrong with my white one. :lalala:

I will say though, to the op, sell the truckcab bits...i think lwb's look a bit strange with them on...bit too long...keep it as it is, apart from the lift....christ, do you get ill going round corners?? :puke:
hehe, as said not driven it or anything. i dont like the lift either, but maybe that put other people off bidding for it :D
just had a last minute panic that it may be hard to remove and then the thought of being stuck using a caravan step to get into the car :p

think i wanted the truck cab as i have always wanted a pick up :D, but will assess in time
Crikey, that does look quite odd. One of my vehicles (well, still have it) had a spring over axle drove awful to say the least. Depends how they mounted things I guess to how easy it is to put back to normal...with mine bits were welded here and there, different steering arms, longer shocks etc, so quite a bit to change about and chop off.
I quite like it.....needs bigger wheels. Thats probably why the bloke sold it. The wheels would cost as much as the car.
Really Sirus? Perhaps it would look OK on big wheels. But then it would be even slower than a regular Series.
Really Sirus? Perhaps it would look OK on big wheels. But then it would be even slower than a regular Series.

Yeh I do......mind you I used to have one of them Bigfoot Cars when I was a kid and had great fun launching it off walls.:D:D
LOL to both points! I have a (non landrover) that had leaf over axle and massive tyres, really was crap to drive, and could barely get up hills, waste of time!
my last attempt at being clever resulted in a nice drive but anything over 40mph was a bit nerve racking:eek: and you defo did,nt want to take corners at anything more than 30-35ish mph


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