Simple answer is you can not remove it without first removing the roof bars. But give it a try and see, i may be wrong.
you can but it's a nightmare, two man job and it goes out one side. So much for the bars being compatible with the hardtop. It's also why they are so high above the vehicle roof profile. What a design error. Next time you see an Audi A4 estate with roof bars, you'll see how sleek and streamlined they are.

Only 4 torx bolts holding the bars, once removed the hardtop can be lfted single handed. it's fairly heavy and there is a technique for lifting it, I'll let you figure that one out ;)
Have removed the hard top of mine on my own, though its a little tricky you need to pop it off and then lift one side over and up and spin around at the same time :scratching_chin: then if you are lucky its not stuck under the roof bars and you may have a chance of it coming out sometime that day, then to replace is the reverse, it does help if there are two of you though:)
Good Luck

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