Do you mean that detailed personal info like you live in Scotland and have a Disco? :p
I know I'm neither regular nor expert nor..... well anything really..... but seeing the OP title I could have written the replies myself. You guys ;):rolleyes: A:D

(p.s. doesn't one just edit profile.....?)
one of LZ`s members wishes to be removed,

what IS this world coming too!

must have less time on his hands then he thought,

it`s just a ploy to get us mere mortals to visit his details page as visitors,
praps he`s lonely there

poor chap.

I mean, it`s traditional,
to sit looking through LZ fer hours on end reading crap, but inbetween crap you find just one comment worthwhile.

file this one as crap,
see if I care.....

I dont,



I mean it! :lalala:
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