
Well-Known Member
it seems my knackered knee has reared its head and decided to stay.
So, I'm looking at options for my fender to ease the clutch a bit.

so far I've found 2 main options. Auto box conversion (£2K +) or redbooster (about £400)

Ive also been looking at remote servos, and at £80ish for a 1.9:1 servo, its a very attractive option.
Anyone fitted one? how easy was it? as far as I can tell, its mount servo, tee off the vac line (with non return if not part of the servo inlet) then simply a hydraulic line from original M/C to servo, then servo to slave.
sounds about right auto box conversion would cost whatever you could by a donor vehicle for minus the price you get for selling spare engine etc
Not looked much at the donor vehicle route yet, just at (think it was ashcroft) a company that offer a recon autobox and conversion bits for about 2Kish
Tho if I could get one at the right price, a spare engine is never a bad thing to have :D
Hello. :) This is rather good having a mobile version of LZ. I shall have to pop in more now. How the devil is everyone? Is Bob still banned or alive or dead?

The last I heard BoB is gay, there was a poll and everything ..... but it might just be a rumour :p

Various incarnations get booted every now and then. They say karma is a bitch :)
Servo`d the clutch on the two austin maxi`s I had and the first range rover I had when it had the perkins 4236 engine in it god it was heavy clutch without it !

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