
Hi all from New Zealand!

Now, I've got me a 2001 TD4 and it's done 199000km:D
Can anyone tell me what the relays in the back, right hand side, under the trim mounted on the shock tower. Looks like 2 relays there. :boink:
Anyone else seen these?:banana:

Hi Oliver, Where'd ya get the Freelander from? Pleased with it? Is that the Camel Disco that was on TradeMe a couple of years ago - was on for quite a while at about $9K if I remember right.
The camel that was on a couple of years ago was only up for 5 weeks! Got my $ for it :)
My Freelander came from a fella that was away and let the reg. lapse so he offered it to me. Reg was only out for 3 weeks:eek:! All recomplied and running again. :brushteeth: Seems to go OK yeah. Economical as hell! Especially after the Cherokee!!!!

The 'new' camel is the last one out of Japan. Demo car, very low mileage at 67000km. Ya won't find a Disco with that low mileage let alone a Camel Trophy promo car!!:D

Will be interesting
The camel that was on a couple of years ago was only up for 5 weeks! Got my $ for it :)
My Freelander came from a fella that was away and let the reg. lapse so he offered it to me. Reg was only out for 3 weeks:eek:! All recomplied and running again. :brushteeth: Seems to go OK yeah. Economical as hell! Especially after the Cherokee!!!!

The 'new' camel is the last one out of Japan. Demo car, very low mileage at 67000km. Ya won't find a Disco with that low mileage let alone a Camel Trophy promo car!!:D

Will be interesting

After Disco ownership for 10 years I was a bit bored when we first got the Freelander - but really like the car now. As you say very economical - can just pile down the canals or up to the Sounds for the weekend without worrying about it :D

Good you got your $ for the Camel Disco - I saw it parked up outside Canterbury Land Rover Spares about the time it was on TradeMe.

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