
New Member
Hi all i'm turning my def 110 into an overlander and i'm after grills for the rear end. Any ideas on who's cheap most i can find are about 400 quid for the back 5. prefer inside ones to outside ones if possible any ideas would be welcome.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to design some yourself and get a local blacksmith to fab them up?

£400 would go a bloomin long way like that
pal of mine gaffer taped some cheap mesh to his back windows (actually I beleive he did indeed angle grind it off a shopping trolley he found!) - worked as a visual deterant - I mean how many folk would assume the mesh wasn't bolted in place?

I've filled in my back small windows with some offcuts of 2mm ally, some construction adhesive and a few rivets. Central window has film applied which shileds contents a bit and stops window smashing into bits. £20 tops, the lot.

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