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Sad to report, my brother in laws Alveston Red Defender 90, reg CX52 NTF was nicked from outside his house last night or early this morning. It's a hardtop with no rear side windows - will post a picture when I find one.

Any info gratefully received, or call police directly!
Thanks for replies, don't have a photo to hand but it looks a lot like this (apologies to owner and/or image copyright holder!)
Thanks all for the replies - it's actually been found, but there's nothing left of it.....
Guessing it was stripped for part then ? Another reason I'm leaving all my panels dented i like the character and hopefully they aren't worth a penny on ebay etc
It was found less than 30 miles away. Cops know who did it but no arrests because blah blah blah, usual flannel. I doubt anything will come of it.
Why no arrests if they know who did it?
Makes me so cross.....
Can you find out from them who did it, if they are not prepared to act on it, then maybe the details can be posted on here.

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