
Active Member
I'm moving up to scotland next year, our house is in a dead end road and a lot of people get stuck trying to park on the edge of a ditch, with a big Defender parked in the drive I think we'll get a lot of knocks asking for a tow out...I'm sure this will **** me off after a while, do people charge for this service? (as apposed to coming across someone stuck then of course I would help them) or do most people offer to "buy you a drink" after you've helped them?
charge - no - unless you have insurance.

do they offer to pay - some do, some dont.

yu mite have probs towing with a "seven"
as MHM says If you ask for money, you need to have liability insurance and probably loads of other stuff.

If someone tucks a 10er in your pocket as you walk away, then is i guess a grey area and your call on wether you take it or not.

I towed a Disco to a garage a few months ago it was a good few miles and was a pain in the arse hooking it up as he didnt want to get his hands dirty.

He offered me £20 for my time and fuel and I refused it as i wasnt sure on the implications.

I put it in my dash when i wasnt looking, I didnt find it till i got home and i certainly wasnt going to go and find him and give it back
yu mite have probs towing with a "seven"

lol, I would definatly charge extra for trying that :D

will just have to hope they apreciate the help, in a typical week (in the summer) at least 2 cars get stuck parking for the beach...or I could get a cammo net for the defender :D
yu mite get away with a charity box - if it was genuine. with a "donations would be appreciated" sign.
what are the implications if the towee's vehicle gets damaged - their tow eye pops out or something worse?

I guess if you're not charging them - tuff tits?
If you are "offering a hand" and you brake something, technically its your insurance thats on the line if they want to take it that far...
Technically, you shouldn't charge for the reasons stated. But, if it came to it, who's gunna know? If someone tried to get funny about the 'service' you provided then you were just helping out a stranger.

"But I paid you £20"

"No you didn't"

"I did"

Prove it.

Think i'd say to em - as i'm doing you a favour i have no responsibility for damage to them or their car - if they aren't happy with that............... drive on :)
I do remember seeing a vid on youtube of a guy tring to pull a car out of the snow and he ripped the rear axle off the car :eek: complete with bumper and hatchback door :D :D :D can't remember if it was posted on here or not...................

Was very funny though :eek:
I dont think that a verbal agreement would stand up if it went to court, I guess the proper way is what MHM said and get them to sign a disclaimer if you were that bothered.

Tbh I have recovered a few people, and all them have been very thankful I didnt make a statement such as "if i brake it, its tough" or make them sign a disclaimer, If it came to it, and something got damage i would hope the person would be reasonable.

But at the moment I could see them getting funny I would just drop everything and walk away.
I'll make sure no one video's me if I try and pull them out, also if they have AA or similar I think I'll just get them to wait for them as its a local chap who will get paid for it.
Or put on your door something along the lines of if you're knocking to get me to tow you out its £15 a knock because its your fault not mine and I'm not answering the door door for free just to humour you
I've never charged for helping out, refuse payment but I'll take it if they insist else it gets embarrassing

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