
New Member
To give a bit of hope to those of you that have had yours stolen, I posted on here back in January to ask for you all to keep a look out for our stolen 110, and just wanted to let you know that it has been recovered, after being found in a ditch, in the middle of a field about 10 miles away from home. Unfortunately in a bit of a state, but hopefully we will be able to slowly repair it.
To give a bit of hope to those of you that have had yours stolen, I posted on here back in January to ask for you all to keep a look out for our stolen 110, and just wanted to let you know that it has been recovered, after being found in a ditch, in the middle of a field about 10 miles away from home. Unfortunately in a bit of a state, but hopefully we will be able to slowly repair it.

Great news! Sorry to hear it's been a bit trashed, but at least it sounds repairable. Lucky it's not been broken up or torched.

I find it really irritating that the thieving scum are still out there Scot-free - at liberty to re-offend at will and to breed...

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