
Well-Known Member
Does anybody have any experience of good or places to avoid for reconditioned turbos? There seem to be several listed on eBay around the £200-£220 mark. Their origin looks to be China when you look at the seller details.

Most UK suppliers seem to be in the £300-£400 range I think, and want the old unit as an exchange.

I'm wondering if it's another case of buy cheap buy twice. Or if those lower cost units are any good.
Used Turbotechnics years ago, they rebuilt my "huge" turbo for the RX7 and turned it around sameday I dropped it off and picked it up later that day.

You could just get the cartridge and do it yourself:)

I'm wondering if it's another case of buy cheap buy twice.

I would think so, they do spin at huge speeds so need to be quality parts.

Thanks for the helpful replies.

If I just went for a CHRA, is calibrating the stop screw a big concern? Or would it simply be a case of looking at the live data and tweaking it through the various rev ranges, and ensuring there is enough/not too much boost?


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