Hi I'm looking for Recommendations for a keyfob repair on ebay?
Seen a few sellers offering the service for circa £25 and some as high as £50.. however some have questionable feedback regarding never receiving the key back and all they got was a refund.
I only have 1 key so can't have it vanishing.
I respect some of these sellers have received only a small amount of bad feedback over a large amount of positive feedbacks, but I want to be on the safe side as can't jeopardise having no key if something goes amiss.
I'd send it to them using special delivery, but would like to ask if anybody has had good or bad results using these sorts of services.
The pcb needs a good refurbish, with 1 or 2 buttons and the non existent battery replaced.

Cheers folks ;)
Try to PM @MrSporty
He is not here much but does good work according to some of the guys.

do a search there’s also a mob in Wales somewhere talked about recently.

Good idea to sort it:).


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