
Fellow Landyzoners going to purchase a pedal lock but unsure as to which one to go for as there seems to be a lot of choice.Any recommendations as to which one to go for thanks in advance.
I've got a clutch claw which is easy to use (after a few days) and well made. Not a total solution but every bit of extra security helps.
I've got one of these Safe T Pedal It's a bit of a beast as in takes up a lot of space when your not using it and it is very heavy. I hope this translates in to being strong! My Mrs can unlock it and put in on the other front seat reasonably easily. Bit trickier to lower it down in to passenger footwell. Trickier again for her to lift it over the bulkhead and out it in the back if she has a passenger. In fact, I think she carried it around the back and puts it on the rear floor. In short, it's a bit of a hassle to put it on and off, but it's extra peace of mind.
I've got the shire fab safe t pedal on my disco 2. It Can be a chore as @Al203 says but it's substantial and easy enough when you're used to it. Got mine 2nd hand £20

If I had a defender I'd defo get the x-eng though
What, marrow? Cucumber? ;) Just wondering about your username.......................does yours look like a vegetable? :D :p

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