
New Member
I cranked my engine after a rebuild to see if the oil would prime. The fuel is not hooked up yet so it's not going to fire. But I cranked it for about 4-5 seconds and the oil light didn't go out. Did I crank it long enough?

I packed the oil pump with petrolium jelly while I had it open, but I have turned the engine over by hand a few times since then to line up the timing for the distributor.

What should I do? Give it a good long crank? Just don't want to tear anything up.

hi just rebuilt my 4.0 ltr.
goona do the same but my oil pump is a rotar type, but want to make sure evrything has got oil, just got tofit the upper manifold and pumps then thats it.
Well I tried cranking it again, this time gave it a good 15 second crank. Oil started coming out of the hose that goes to the radiator, because I hadn't done them up properly. So that's a good sign! I just went and got some O rings and some more oil. Will try again once I've got that fixed up.

Well the pipes are connected up with new O rings. Still have an oil pressure light. Cranked it for 30 secs. The light never turned off.

how did you prime it, I remove oil relief valve and use grease gun to bump Vaseline in.
make sure it can't start, flick starter and pump more in.(do several times)refit plunger/spring/blanking plug and washer
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I did it! Guess it just took time to fill up stuff like the radiator etc. I kept adding oil, cranking for 10 seconds, adding oil. Eventually the light went out.


Now I just have to get the cooling system finished, and hook up the fuel and then I can fire her up!


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