
New Member
Okay, so I finally replace the rear wiper motor as the last one kept stopping randomly in different positions. This has also solved the issue of the rear tailgate window which now works.

HOWEVER, before the motor was replaced I noticed that the blade only seemed to clear/wipe the bottom half of the rear window and I thought this would be solved by the new motor and new blade which I also fitted. Problem is though it hasn't! It still only seems to clean the bottom half and it's as if the top part of the wiper isn't making contact with the window. I have replaced with a good quality wiper which is right for the model/year.

Anyone any ideas? I'm getting a bit frustrated and was wondering if anyone else has had this issue. A search of the forum hasn't brought anything up that I can see.

PS. It's a Freelander 1

I had this problem after replacing the wiper blade - I found that what was happening was that the washer jet fitment (for want of a better word) was stopping the blade from flexing properly when the blade was fully clipped onto the arm. The solution is to not clip the blade fully into the arm - just ease it away 3or 4mm
Mine clears the bottom half the first time then the whole thing the second,

Have you tried bendjg the blade slightly?
Think someone had a similar proplem on here ...turned out that the spare wheel had been bumped and the rear door was pushed in a little, causing wiper problems like yours.

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