Russell Jupp

New Member
Hi all,
can anyone tell me why the rear tyres on my 2000 FL have worn in a strange pattern. Ive had a droning noise and some vibration from the rear, so changed the rear tyres to the front and VVersa. Lo and behold the vibration and noise is now at the front.
4wd works fine (although there is a bump from the rear diff when spinning in the snow), On full lock, the transmission tries to wind up, going forwards or backwards, it feels like the handbrake is gently being applied.

Also have noticed that since refitting the prop, a horrible grinding noise (under heavy acceleration) has completely disappeared. Anyone know what this is?
Thanks, Russ


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have a search for VCU and IRD on here...

I don't know much about gaylanders but i do know they don't like mismatched tyres.
stop driving it now! Your VCU has failed. remove the props and vcu and drive in 2wd until you get a new VCU. You have already caused some damage to the diffs.
I put the prop back on this week cos of the snow, will remove it when it thaws...But the grinding noise will be back....can you tell me what this is?
The noise is only evident in 4th and 5th gear, at very low revs, and under heavy load. Not the rear diff, cos it is only there with the prop removed.

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