For Pete's sake - does no-one know how to use the search button ? :mad:
ALL the answers you need are in there (and more !)
If you can't get to the bottom of the problem then by all means ask away and someone will help if they can
BTW - don't take this post personally but it's time posters did a little digging for themselves before asking the same old questions :rolleyes:

No, no, no, - you are missing my point - I'm not trying to be nasty
You can't just say "my suspension is going down what's wrong with it" without either listing some symptoms or taking the trouble to maybe learn something about the EAS by reading up on it first
It's like saying "my car won't start what's wrong with it ?"
I will try my best to help where I can but I can't see the point in just replying to the same questions all the time
The way I see it is if you are going to own one of these P38's then you had better damn well learn all you can about them or have a large bank balance

Am I being unfair or unreasonable ? :confused:
unfair ? unreasonable ?
i think not..... hence the little smileys
just brightening my day up waiting to see if you bite !!!!

all my love
That wasn't me biting - just trying to explain my point
It's funny how folk interpret the tone you write something in - it was written with no malice intended or implied
But I guess that's what smilies are for so my own fault really :)

Oh - and I love you too ugly ! :D

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