
New Member
I've a leak on the rear sunroof of my 1997 Disco. Depending on where its parked, significant quantities leak (in my fairly level driveway a 1-2" pool in the back load cover is common).

I've had it out cleaned it, resealed the frame to the body, checked the glass seal, checked the drain pipes are free flowing, not leaking, and connected well. And checked the connection cups are sealed. Despite that I still have the leak and it appears to drip from the point noted on the attached photo (with no other signes of moisture). This point appears to be part of the design? Has anyone any experience of this? In all the Disco sunroof leak threads I've posted I've seen no mention of this. any comments much appreciated.




  • IMG_1620 with arrow.JPG
    IMG_1620 with arrow.JPG
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Water is getting past one of your seals.. what stuff did you use as a seal the frame to the body?
Water is getting past one of your seals.. what stuff did you use as a seal the frame to the body?

Silicone gasket sealant, in sifficient quantity that the excess extruded out the side of the frame and hence the excess was wiped off.
There's Silicone sealant and Silicone sealant, hope it wasn't the bath sealent stuff.
No dont have the tube to hand just now but automotive 'liquid gasket' type stuff for engines, water pumps etc. Throwing bukets of water over doesnt get water in at the time - I'd been thinking that the water was the water meanting to be taken by the drain hoses but when parked at some angles it was reaching these other low holes instead. What I dont understand is why they aren't normally an issue.
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If you believe you have a good frame to body seal the you have a problem with water passing the glass seal, sort that out and now more puddles :)

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