
New Member
on my csw the rear sliding window is rattling, im guessing the window felt needs replacing can this be done or do i have to get a hole new window panel
I've been looking for replacement window felts for over three years with no luck. If you find any let me know. They must be available but I've not found them yet. I've wedged mine with a small piece of cardboard to stop the rattle.
as shifty says, a cardboard wedge will stop the rattle. I used to have a piece of thin plastic folded in half to stop them rattling in my old V8 110 csw.
I too have this dram on ma 110 csw. The last few days i,ve taken the inside out for a clean, paint and re-vamp. The felt is completly rotten away and some nice green gunge lives there now!:eek:

L.R.series have genuine ones here but a bit expensive.

Paddocks sell here ,but its britpart!

I,ve just ordered mine here from Woolies. I,ve ordered 5 meters worth which should be more than enough.

Trawled the internet last night for ideas and Woolies gets good right ups albeit hard to install.

I,ll keep you posted on my trial and error!
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Stu you wur to fast fur me!

so how,d you do? did they fit allright wea no dramas?

Ha ha.

Yeah, was a really easy fix actually. Thought it would take the afternoon, but did both sides in about 30 minutes.

Tricky part was closing the windows whilst forming the felt round the corners - Small slotted screwdriver and a bit of patience was needed.

Once done i left it a few days and now they can open and close and stay fitted nicely. I didn't secure it with anything, just let it sit in the rails - its a nice tight fit.

Also, I didn't bother removing the window locks, just them compressed when needed.

Had no issues with it so far - about three months in.
I use bits of cork to stop mine rattling

I had some pieces of plastic from milk bottles in mine for a while whish stopped the rattle, but I wanted working windows - I use the back to take the dogs out and they like to stick their heads out! Keeps them cool on the way home from the woods etc.
Take a zip tie and snip off the "head" then jam the zip tie into the a treat
Stu did you manage to remove all the old felt from the seal and did it cause any issues?

Yep, all out. If I remember correctly it ripped when I was taking it all out, but didn't cause any issues. Really was an easy job to do - I put it off thinking it was going to be a pain in the ass! So glad once it was done.
Good to know, mine has completly rotten away at the bottom where the window slides, get the impression it will just fall to bits wea pressure applied, i,m right in saying it goes the complete length of the window seal?
Did mine with MWC7620 (Britpart pt) £25+ vat!!!
Old felt was wrotten and holding water in the channel. Difficult bit was sliding felt into channel at the top with window fully open and then feeding felt right along to the middle divider with window in place. Perfect fit , no rattles and best of all no leaks now. :rolleyes:
Yup, I used Woolies Trim. Worked a treat. I just followed the link on this site:

defender windows - Defender Forum - LR4x4 - The Land Rover Forum

Very satisfying having working sliding windows with no rattle.

Good find. I've been looking for the correct trim for nearly three years and now the window rattle is beyond a joke. Going to order up from Woolies tomorrow and solve the problem once and for all. No more cardboard wedges and leaky windows. Cheers.
Good to know, mine has completly rotten away at the bottom where the window slides, get the impression it will just fall to bits wea pressure applied, i,m right in saying it goes the complete length of the window seal?

Yeah, full length. I too ordered 5metres and had some to spare - not a lot though, maybe 20cm! I just followed the instructions on the link I posted, you can't go wrong. :)
I had the same problem with mine.
tried everything, cardboard, toilet paper, chewing gum.
Nothing worked.
Then I finally fixed it.

i removed the pickup top and installed a full top.

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