
Currently wrestling with a replacement hinge set on my 110 TD5 CSW.

Having changed the defunct front door hinges without too much trauma - well drilling out seized bolt / nuts on each lower hinge - so normal routine by Defender standards I understand.)

The Rear near side passenger door lower hinge fixings into the body have seized. Having removed the three other fixings on the lower hinge the last fastener is 'spinning' with as far as I can tell no means of locking the once captive nut.

Can anyone tell me how the two lower door pillar fixings are secured - it looks to be behind the bulkhead - which best I can establish has to be removed to get at the offending 'captive nut' - I started to remove the seat belt, trim clamp, and m10 fixings between what I thought was a plate fixed to the bulk head and door pillar - only to determine it is spot welded to the bulk head . I cant see access via the front passenger door / battery box area.

Stumped how to proceed. Door back on, but not what I would call securely as the top fixing 'nut' is gone and no means of accessing it to replace it.
Judging by the 4" long fixing that came out of the door pillar, Im guessing these are not the same set up as the front captive cage nuts.

Anyone any ideas / photos of the set up ?

Ah, right, so how do you gain access to the open end - my fingers can find a hole around 15mm dia below - I shall go and have a look from below.

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