
Master Procrastinator
Since I bought my TD5 over a year ago, one of the back doors has had an annoying clicking sound whenever it was opened and closed. As I don't have any rear seats anyone, it wasn't a real issue, however yesterday I removed the mechanism that was making the noise just because it was annoying me. I thought that removing this thing would allow the door to open too wide, meaning I'd have to remember to keep hold of it on windy days, but the door still stops at the same place as it did with the clicky thing fitted, so can anyone tell me what purpose this mechanism served, other than making the clicking noise? :eek:
I'd agree with that.
As to your clicking sound, if you have the check strap removed and it's still clicking, then I'd start looking at the hinges, a worn groove on the faces which rub together, a worn or bent hinge pin or some kind of misalignment of the hinges.
The clicking has gone and the door still stops at the same place after removing the "retainer" thing, so it appears to me that it serves no purpose.
Like I said its stops it blowing open too quick and damaging the hinge and it stops the door blowing shot when you'r getting in.

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