chris baddeley

New Member
well day off work so ,lets put me new rear bumpers on won,t take long .
you no it must of took an hour to do one , my drill bits are useless , broke 2 of them as they were blunt and was to powerfull with them .
the hardest part was lining them up to where you can drill and where they look good , as you are drilling through the cross member , which the other side
is not much room to get your washer,s and nut,s on and a spanner in ,
it,s quite an aggrevating job . but once found a good drill bit then no problem ,
and the other bumper flew on in about half an hour .
they really set me land rover off now .
but don,t no weather a high lift jack will now fit as they stick out at 5 inches
but not got a high lift to check it,
all the work i,ve done me best mate chink as helped me with.
next job,s on me landy , rear spot lights ...chequer on me bonnet . snorkel.
and no jokes callin me chubby chequer, ha ha
cheers chris ...s & s

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