
Active Member
The badge at the rear of my Td4 has lost its shine, does anyone know where I can source a new one please. (I have tried ebay etc. with no luck) Its the 48cm one, not the green backed one. There are a few of the latter around! Cheers
Thanks for the replies Y'all some of the lettering is spot on a couple are beyond polish for some reason. Found a solution though. Thanks again.
Just as a post script; ended up not buying a new one but instead put grease amongst and behind the fonts, cleaned the letters with degreaser, masked up and sprayed. Worked a treat!

I'll sleep better tonight for knowing that, thanks.
I'll sleep better tonight for knowing that, thanks.

You'll be lucky in this heat mate! But if it helps at all, I could quote you a lullaby!
Maybe one about Alice down there in wonderland, I'll even include your caterpillar avatar if it'll keeps you quiet. :mil77:
You'll be lucky in this heat mate! But if it helps at all, I could quote you a lullaby!
Maybe one about Alice down there in wonderland, I'll even include your caterpillar avatar if it'll keeps you quiet. :mil77:


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