
Well-Known Member
Ok Ok we all make mistakes.

I have just put 1Ltr of EP90 in me 2.25 petrol engine.
Arrrrrrr F**K

Do i drain it all out and refill or does the forum recon i can forget about it as my landy uses about 1/2 Ltr of engine oil every week?

I wouldn't mind so much but the EP90 was a tin GL4 (Hard to find):eek:
ooops! dunno how it'l effect your engine but i've put the wrong oil in a few engines/gearboxs at work an its not caused any immediate failures!! only things i've seen die due to having to wrong lube oil have always had the wrong oil in them from day one.
i would drain and refill it with the correct oit as ep90 is far to heavy for the oil pump and will kill it! i might be able to get hold of some ep90 GL4 as i work as storeman for Traders/Motex (motorfactors) i will find out for you
I wouldn't panic about a litre. After all you can abuse a 2 1/4 till it seizes and it will show no hardship once it cools down,
I'd be a bit more scrupulous about keeping it topped up to the correct level until you have put a couple of litres of the right stuff in.
remind me not to come to yo gaf to get any work done :eek:

i'v only done it at work where oils have names like Essolube xt 300 s and mobilube delvac 1400 15s 12a for one week before the supply contract is changed and now essolube xt 300 is spizax zte 2045 z and mobilguard gets replaced with mobilube hsd and so on....... as long as the pumps keep a pumpin its all good!!
At least it wasn't 10 quids worth of petrol into a derv tank.....yep I did that to my Disco about 18mths ago!!!! Expensive mistake AND I had to pay for the bloody petrol!
Forget it.
It will do no harm if it's 1 litre in among 4 or 5 litres of real engine oil.

Better topped up with a litre of that than it runs out of oil pressure.

Farmers round these parts have FILLED engines with EP90 after oil and filter changes!

I lent a Lister-engined concrete mixer to a guy with the engine oil level perfect with new clean oil, and a full tank of gas-oil (red diesel). So what did this expert do? He took the OIL FILLER CAP off the rocker cover, and FILLED IT TO THE BRIM WITH DIESEL FUEL! The he started it running, and everyone within 25 yards was covered in black oils spots blasting out the exhaust. But after draining GALLONS of stuff out, and refilling with SAE 15w/30 tractor universal, the engine was fine.

Point is, just so long as they don't run OUT of oil, engines can take a bit of grief.

You might not want to try EP90 in a Formula One racing car though.

At least it wasn't 10 quids worth of petrol into a derv tank.....yep I did that to my Disco about 18mths ago!!!! Expensive mistake AND I had to pay for the bloody petrol!

That would have been NO PROBLEM if you had just filled it up with diesel.

People are far too worried about fuels in diesels.

I was given a 210 barrel with about 40 gallons of some sort of lube oil in it that had been in a factory machine of some sort. It was clean, dry, and seemed OK to me. Cut with about 25% kero the viscosity was pretty close to "fuel". Ask Discomania what he thinks - he called it "Rocket Fuel". I used 20 gallons of it in a TD5 towing, and it was great fuel.

Neat kerosene or gasoline or white spirit would be BAD, not because the engine won't start up and run fine, but because they do not provide essential LUBRICATION for the high pressure parts of Injection pumps and Injectors.

But, for example, Kerosene with oil added makes a very good fuel for diesels, especially older simples ones like 2.25 and 2.5 N/A, and the earlier turbos even up to 300 tdi and the like.

Eight gallons kero and 1 gallon of cheap engine oil, preferably a SAE 30 monograde.

Customs and Excise may not approve, but there's no red dye in it.

Thanks guys for the reassurance, i think i will keep the old girl topped right up for a while and see what happens.

I get my EP90/80 GL4 at staff discount rates from a local motofactors where i have a mate.
Sorry guys i cant supply in bulk as his boss would complain.:eek:
i would never worry about it ive been runnin an old audi on what ever is the cheapest oil i can get in asda for past few years cause she was usin oil a bit to fast and the good stuff was hurting the wallet and so far she never let me down sayin that she aint gona start now but as long as she keeps goin till get the s3 back on the road im happy
i would never worry about it ive been runnin an old audi on what ever is the cheapest oil i can get in asda for past few years cause she was usin oil a bit to fast and the good stuff was hurting the wallet and so far she never let me down sayin that she aint gona start now but as long as she keeps goin till get the s3 back on the road im happy

I think that's the best attitude about oils in engines.
The idea is that if the engine has oil in it more or less up to the mark, and if the engine isn't being sore abused, then it's going to be OK.

Of course, if you filled the sump with EP 140 or the like there might be a problem, but NOT because the oil won't lubricate. The problem would be caused by almost no circulation, and practically no oil FLING from the big-ends and mains of the crankshaft. LOTS of circulation means volumes of oil being flung over all the bits that get hot (like the undersides of the pistons and in among all the valve-gear in the head) thus taking the heat away, that being a major function of the oil - COOLING the bits the water can't reach.

More or less a decent grade of engine oil and not too filthy dirty, and a filter changed once in a while, and it will be fine.

ere dint let that fella hear you lot using ther wrong oils he´ll have yer balls in a vice as punishment, come ter think of it, i cant even remember who he was except he pretended he owned a garage or summat
ere dint let that fella hear you lot using ther wrong oils heĀ“ll have yer balls in a vice as punishment, come ter think of it, i cant even remember who he was except he pretended he owned a garage or summat


R ight

I nterestin

G eezer wiffa

G arage

A nd

Z aniness

( I didn't wanna give him too hard a time .... I'm a softie!)
we had an old walk behing roller and it used to leak oil . lent it to a mate and it was low on fuel so neway he tipped alod of red diesel in the oil tank. and then ran it until it ran out of diesel only then did he realise that hed got em mixed up !!

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