
Nice site Mark, I'll certainly look out for any stuff to send to you.

One question for you though; why does the site want to set a cookie? If
it's just a resource site then surely there is no need to have cookies -
sorry I have a thing about unnecessary cookies :)


Steve G

MVP wrote:
> A few of you will have seen my website www.4x4info.info (that's the
> site without any boobs). I'm trying to compile there info for all
> enthusiasts of 4x4 vehicles, and as you know my heart lies with Land
> Rovers.
> If anyone comes accross any datasheets, pdf's etc that are not already
> there, send them over and I'll add them.
> Also if anyone wants to write any brief articles that they happen to
> know alot about, a particular job or type of engine or a guide to what
> to look out for when shopping for a particular vehicle then send them
> over and I'll add them to the site.
> I'd also like to know of any errors or feckups too.
> I'm not going to make it into a members site or anything like that,
> it's simply a resource for 4x4 owners and enthusiasts like me.
> markvarley*at*gmail.com
> Regards.
> Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)

Sorted. No request for a cookie this time ;-)


Steve G

MVP wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 12:34:15 +0000, MVP <mr.nice@*nospam*softhome.net>
> wrote:
>>On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 11:06:50 GMT, "SteveG
>><\"s.goodfellow\"@blueyonder" <"dot> wrote:
>>>Nice site Mark, I'll certainly look out for any stuff to send to you.
>>>One question for you though; why does the site want to set a cookie? If
>>>it's just a resource site then surely there is no need to have cookies -
>>>sorry I have a thing about unnecessary cookies :)
>>>Steve G

>>fecktifIknow, I'll look into it ;o)
>>Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)

> found it, it was the bravenet hit counter I'm using. I've ditched it
> and now have an on-site counter.
> I don't know if this will leave a cookie but at least if's from my
> server now if it does.
> Regards.
> Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)


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