Austin Shackles

On or around Fri, 18 Jun 2004 15:06:31 +0100, Nikki Cluley
<nikki.cluley@ntlorld.com> enlightened us thusly:

>In Leicester the other day a motorbike with pillion passenger, hit two 12
>year olds on push bikes. Bikers walked away with bruises but both the
>children suffered head injuries and one of them died in the ambulance on the
>way to the hospital.

bummer. However, personally, I tend to be more and more against compulsion
in favour of education and personal responsibility for actions.

when we all have compulsory 27-air-bags, compulsory speed controllers
subject to external whim, compulsory protection for pedestrians and
cyclists, compulsory limits to all cooking appliances so that they can't
burn you, a ban on garden ponds 'cos small children can drown in 'em, a ban
on this and compulsory that and so on ad nauseam, I personally will not find
it worth the hassle of staying alive, there being under those conditions
bugger-all worth living for.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young / In a world
of magnets and miracles / Our thoughts strayed constantly and without
boundary / The ringing of the Division bell had begun. Pink Floyd (1994)

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