
Well-Known Member
Is there a nack to rewinding winch rope back onto the winch? A mate has just got one and is having trouble getting it to wind back on smoothly and evenly. It has even kinked the rope in a couple of places! (is it nackred now?) both um and me are both complete winch novices so it might be a stupid question but you gotta learn somewhere!

Any advice?
When I first installed my winch, I used it to winch the landy across a level carpark as a quick trial. I also found that the cable didn't want to go on evenly so I used the head of a claw hammer to guide it onto the drum nice and neatly. The next time I used it to tow my boat up a stoney beach it tended to go on pretty evenly, but the trusted hammer came in useful to help make sure it went back on neatly.

Just a thought, the instructions for my winch suggest that the control lever shouldn't be left in the engaged position, so I leave it in the mid position between free and engaged. What concerns me is some eejjiit with a sense of humour deciding it would be a laugh to hook my winch hook onto the back of a car if I park in some carpark. Although I check it as I walk up to my vehicle there is a good chance another driver wouldn't notice if this had been done, so, I'm considering using a padlock to secure the end of my cable to my chassis to prevent any smart arse from doing anything like this.
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When I first installed my winch, I used it to winch the landy across a level carpark as a quick trial. I also found that the cable didn't want to go on evenly so I used the head of a claw hammer to guide it onto the drum nice and neatly. The next time I used it to tow my boat up a stoney beach it tended to go on pretty evenly, but the trusted hammer came in useful to help make sure it went back on neatly.

Just a thought, the instructions for my winch suggest that the control lever shouldn't be left in the engaged position, so I leave it in the mid position between free and engaged. What concerns me is some eejjiit with a sense of humour deciding it would be a laugh to hook my winch hook onto the back of a car if I park in some carpark. Although I check it as I walk up to my vehicle there is a good chance another driver wouldn't notice if this had been done, so, I'm considering using a padlock to secure the end of my cable to my chassis to prevent any smart arse from doing anything like this.

You just gave me an idea :rolleyes:
You just gave me an idea :rolleyes:

As long as it wasn't a bad one I'm glad. I have visions of going back out to the car park after shopping to find a Ford Ka (or similar) lying in the middle of the road with half it's rear end ripped off and dangling from my Defender!

Karlos, I should have mentioned that you should never ever stand close to your winch cable if it is working and under stress. The cable could go at any time and could cause serious injury to anyone nearby. I would only ever use this technique when under absolute minimum strain and never at any other time.
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Yehh I thought that while reading it! I wouldn't wana be there with a hammer while it snapped! How do you do it when under heavy load?
Do you reel it back in with the motor and feed it left to right at the right speed?

The only time I did it without any load, I stood on the cable and wound it in while I used my hammer to guide it into place, I like to keep my hands well out of the way as I haven't fitted an emergency cut-off switch within reach of the front yet.
You winch first and then after you let it back out and use a small amount of tension to re wind it neatly after because you can touch it and not be worried about being shinned by the wire.

To be honest, a winch cable snapping might cut your shins but it's not lethal like people make out. I've seen a test where they snapped steel cable to see what it would do to a person. They used a pig as a test subject and it didn't even break the skin, just bruised it.
To be honest, a winch cable snapping might cut your shins but it's not lethal like people make out. I've seen a test where they snapped steel cable to see what it would do to a person. They used a pig as a test subject and it didn't even break the skin, just bruised it.

thats crap!!

ive seen a winch cable snap under load and it went thru the back windscreen of a rr and hit the front head rest.

winchs and cables used by inexperienced users are lethal,i would never ever stand on a cable to make it easier to guide onto the drum

winchs must be used with the utmost respect they are not a toy and can cause damage to the user if used incorrectly.

i would suggest to the inexperienced user they go onto the goodwinch website and purchase the dvd they do to help with the correct use of a winch.
The tension required to wind a wire back on neatly is very low in comparison to its working load, so there should be no problem in running it through (gloved) hands if 2 people available - or under a (booted) foot if solo. :)
planning on looking for some kinda winching offroad day course somewhere.. not having much luck finding tho!

we did it with gloved hands last time, but found it hard keeping it all even, so it bunched and started hitting the bumper on every rotation.. cant be right.
Sounds like its twisted tighter than the strands are wound, hence the tendency to bunch. Similar effect to winding in a garden hose, note how the nozzle sometimes spins on itself.

Perhaps hook on a spinning eyelet so that it is free to twist out?
You winch first and then after you let it back out and use a small amount of tension to re wind it neatly after because you can touch it and not be worried about being shinned by the wire.

To be honest, a winch cable snapping might cut your shins but it's not lethal like people make out. I've seen a test where they snapped steel cable to see what it would do to a person. They used a pig as a test subject and it didn't even break the skin, just bruised it.
complete bull****. Pig test subject.I dont think that happened.
I work with winches for a living. Failures are not pleasant.
when I was about 8. Me old man was a trawlerman. Went to meet him in, at the docks one day. Undertaker was there and they were carrying a bloke off who had been killed when a winch cable snapped and cut both his legs off.
when I was about 8. Me old man was a trawlerman. Went to meet him in, at the docks one day. Undertaker was there and they were carrying a bloke off who had been killed when a winch cable snapped and cut both his legs off.

I thought yo parentage was open to dispute? :D:D :behindsofa:
maybe itl just take practice, think you might be right about the twisting skynet.. might have a play.

think my mate is getting abit ocd about it being all neat as it came out of the box!!

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