
New Member
Following several suggestions about my my noisy, reconned series 3 diesel engine fading on power. I have stripped it back and still not found what the problem is. All the rods and innards are ok. Oil pressure seems ok and I was confident that it would be ok. So I took it out again and worked my way through the gears going steady on the revs and speed. As soon as I got to fourth gear and doing 30-35mph it started to rattle again and soon after faded on power to the point of stopping. I restarted ok but kept it in third.
Im now at a total loss what to do. Everything has been replaced or reconned engine wise and its not leaking oil. HELP!!!:violent:
Fuel filter renewed?
Sedimentor cleaned?
Air filter hose collapsing?
Air filter clean?
Just a few thoughts that come to mind.

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