Dom J


"Larry" <NDA@larry-arnold.com> wrote in message
> It is the school holidays in case you have not noticed, and whilst working
> on my landie I have been consistently pestered by kids, those not old

> to nick cars yet (remember I live in the badlands)
> Apart from being annoyed by there persistant questioning, I am surprised

> there ignorance, as to why anyone would want a car like mine that ain't
> fast, ain't pretty and ain't new.
> --
> Larry
> Series 3 rust and holes

I get this all the time at work. Picture the scene: Me standing inside
an escalator. There are steps from said Esc all over the place. Me and my
mate having a bad day, much head scratching going as to why this thing wont
work. All we get is "Is it broke Mister?" I just turn round and glare at
them. Of course it's broken, do you think I do this for fun!!!. Oh and
they think it is really funny to keep on stopping the Escalators by pressing
the emergency stop button.

Dom J


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