The Greatest Genius of All Time

RonGrossi382757@yahoo.com wrote:
> The reason some people don't know for sure
> if they are going to Heaven when they die
> is because they just don't know.

Sorry to pop your religionist Fantasyland bubble, but....

There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell.

Astrology, psychic 'phenomena,' alien abductions, voodoo, Scientology,
animism, Wiccan religion, Loch Ness monster, Paul Bunyan, and Santa
Claus all share the same non-existence property: lack of basis in cold
physical reality.

There are only sub-atomic particles, quantum fields, relativistic
spacetime phenomena, and what is composed of these things: atoms,
molecules, cells, etc. etc. Everything else in this universe is
ultimately reducable to particle physics.

Read Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World:"


> The good news is that you can know for
> sure that you are going to Heaven which is
> described in the Holy Bible as a beautiful
> place with no death, sorrow, sickness or
> pain.
> God tells us in the Holy Bible how simple
> it is to be saved so that we can live
> forever with Him in Heaven.

Man wrote the Bible, so it is Man who tells us, not some unseen God.

> "For if you confess with your mouth Jesus
> is Lord and believe in your heart that God
> raised Him from the dead, you
> WILL BE SAVED." (Romans 10:9)

How do you know? Perhaps you and the Bible are wrong.

> Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven
> to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to
> shed His blood and die on a cross to pay
> our sin debt in full.
> Jesus Christ was born in Israel
> supernaturally to a virgin Jewish woman
> named Mary and lived a sinless life for
> thirty-three years.

Virgins don't give birth; there is no such thing as a supernatural birth
and all births are natural biological phenomena.

> At the age of thirty-three Jesus was
> scourged and had a crown of thorns pressed
> onto His head then Jesus was crucified.
> Three days after Jesus died on a cross and
> was placed in a grave Jesus rose from the
> dead as Jesus said would happen before
> Jesus died.
> If someone tells you that they are going
> to die and in three days come back to life
> again and it happens then this person must
> be the real deal.
> Jesus Christ is the only person that ever
> lived a perfect sinless life.

What about George W. Bush? Don't ever tell him that--you'll wind up in

> This is why Jesus is able to cover our
> sins(misdeeds) with His own blood because
> Jesus is sinless.
> The Holy Bible says, "In Him(Jesus) we
> have redemption through His blood, the
> forgiveness of sins..." (Ephesians 1:7)
> If you would like God to forgive you of
> your past, present and future sins just
> ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and
> Saviour.
> It doesn't matter how old you are or how
> many bad things that you have done in
> your life including lying and stealing
> all the way up to murder.

This must be what the Republicans are counting on.

> Just pray the prayer below with your
> mouth and mean it from your heart and
> God will hear you and save you.
> Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so
> that I can have a home in Heaven with You
> when I die. I agree with You that I am a
> sinner. I believe that You love me and want
> to save me. I believe that You bled and
> died on the cross to pay the penalty for my
> sins and that You rose from the dead.
> Please forgive my sins and come into my
> heart and be my Lord and Saviour. Thanks
> Lord Jesus Christ for forgiving me and
> saving me through Your merciful grace.
> Amen.

And Awomen. Bring back the ERA!

> Welcome to the family of God if you just
> allowed God to save you. Now you are a real
> Christian and you can know for sure that
> you will live in Heaven forever when this
> life comes to an end.

Nope, you will be just dust in the wind. Reality is cold and harsh, but
even the awful truth is preferable to religionist make-believe.

> As a child of God we are to avoid
> sin(wrongdoing), but if you do sin the
> Holy Bible says, "My dear children, I
> write this to you so that you will not sin.
> But if anybody does sin, we have one who
> speaks to the Father in our defense Jesus
> Christ, the Righteous One."
> Those of you that have not yet decided to
> place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
> may never get another chance to do so
> because you do not know when you will die.
> Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and
> the life: no one can come to the
> Father(God)(in Heaven), but by me."
> (John 14:6)
> This means that if you die without
> trusting in Jesus Christ as your Lord and
> Saviour you will be forever separated from
> the love of God in a place called Hell.
> The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of
> eternal torment, suffering, pain and agony
> for all those who have rejected Jesus Christ.

You must be speaking of the Republican National Convention. It's bad,
yes, but it is not the eternal damnation of Hell, in fact, it only lasts
about a week.

> The good news is that you can avoid Hell by
> allowing Jesus Christ to save you today.
> Only then will you have true peace in your
> life knowing that no matter what happens you
> are on your way to Heaven.

Being a brainwashed religious zombie is more peaceful, yes, than coming
to grips with the harsh reality of nature.


> Praise the Lord!
> Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
> Ronald L. Grossi
> *Show this to your family and friends so
> they can know that they have a choice
> where they will spend eternity. Thanks!
> ____________________________________________________
> Got Questions?
> http://www.gotquestions.org/archive.html
> Other Languages
> http://www.godssimpleplan.org/gsps.html
> Free Movie: To Hell and Back
> http://www.tbn.org/index.php/8/1.html
> Animation
> http://www.gieson.com/Library/projects/animations/walk/index.html
> The Passion Of The Christ
> http://www.thepassionofthechrist.com
> Beware Of Cults
> http://www.carm.org/cults/cultlist.htm
> About Hell
> http://www.equip.org/free/DH198.htm
> Is Jesus God?
> http://www.powertochange.com/questions/qna2.html
> Free Online Bible
> http://www.biblegateway.com
> ____________________________________________________


In rec.roller-coaster johnguard70@yahoo.com wrote:

Photographic proof:

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
/-\ _ _ _ *** Only 3 more weeks! ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____
The Greatest Genius of All Time wrote:

> There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell.

You're a ****ing MORON!

sawzall wrote:
> The Greatest Genius of All Time wrote:
>> There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell.

> You're a ****ing MORON!

No, you are, Betty (sawzall's/Spamuel's real prison name).

There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell. Those who believe in such
things, as Minn. Gov. Jesse Ventura said, are weak-minded. Now, Spammy,
I've always known you to be small-minded--I can now add weak-minded to
that long and ever growing longer list of your many faults!

Prove God exists! Cite!

The Greatest Genius of All Time wrote:
> There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell.

You will burn in eternal HELLFIRE for that blasphemey asshole!
oh God here we go again its troll season


Douggie in UK
Beta ID: 698322

"sawzall" <zz@w.bz> wrote in message
> The Greatest Genius of All Time wrote:
>> There is no God or Devil, Heaven or Hell.

> You will burn in eternal HELLFIRE for that blasphemey asshole!

STOP CROSSPOSTING SPAM. Killfile or ignore him, but please don't reply.
Douglas Kell wrote:
> oh God here we go again its troll season
> Douggie


DNC recess time.

"Douglas Kell" <douglas.kell@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> oh God here we go again its troll season

Rabbit season! Troll season! RABBIT season! TROLL season! RABBIT SEASON!

eh.... sorry

Andrew Brawley

fade out to reply

Andrew you have forgotten to take your medication,
just a pro opinion


Douggie in UK
Beta ID: 698322

"Andrew Brawley" <fadedj_drew@coasterboys.com> wrote in message
> "Douglas Kell" <douglas.kell@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:z4yae.2732$Y46.1311@newsfe1-win.ntli.net...
>> oh God here we go again its troll season

> Rabbit season! Troll season! RABBIT season! TROLL season! RABBIT
> eh.... sorry
> Andrew Brawley
> fade out to reply


"Douglas Kell" <douglas.kell@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> Andrew you have forgotten to take your medication,
> just a pro opinion
> Douggie

And wouldn't you know, I'm fresh out of Thorazine! :)

Andrew Brawley

fade out to reply


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