Austin Shackles

On or around Sun, 19 Dec 2004 16:28:54 +0000, Mr.Nice.
<mr.nice@*nospam*clara.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>I'm in the process of replacing the light lenses on my 110 with clear
>lenses with coloured bulbs where needed.
>I'm unsure about the fog light lens.
>could I fit a white lins from a reversing light with a red tinted bulb
>behind and still be all legal and proper?

the superbright leds lot have angled bulbs. However... they won't look
right in that lamp unit, even if they fit.

I tried putting clear lenses on mine, but decided in the end to go back to
normal ones. Had some clear ones on the front indicators. Somehow, they
don;t look as bright as amber ones. dunno why.

Did you just fit a clear lens and orange bulb over the original lamp unit?
The "proper" clear indicator units feature a reflector built into the lamp
unit, which the orange-lensed units do not, that creates the correct level
of brightness. As far as I know, this is only applicable to the later style
light units which have the lens and lamp body permanently joined and not as
seperate units.

If anything, I would say that the complete, clear units give a brighter,
more distinct light.

> I tried putting clear lenses on mine, but decided in the end to go back to
> normal ones. Had some clear ones on the front indicators. Somehow, they
> don;t look as bright as amber ones. dunno why.


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