
> Some very good information going round here methinks, but just another
> thought .Why didnt rover fit a cam sensor to the engine and then the
> injectors could open sequentially possibly giving a better control to the
> fueling (perhaps in the early days of the v8 efi around 1984/85 there were
> no processors capable of operating 8 independently@ 6000rpm :))
> Al

Well, to be honest firing sequentialy or batch firing doesn't have as big an
effect as you'd imagin! At maximum power the injectors will be open for
something like 75% of the time comparied to the inlet valve beeing open
about 25% of the time! Under these conditions it doesn't matter when the
fuel injection period starts as fuel has to wate around behind the inlet
valve for it to open anyway. Infact, injecting fuel with the inlet valve
shut can be a benifit... the fuel vaporises on the back of the hot valve so
giving a better air/fuel mix and this also cools the valve by a considrible
amount. To inject all the fuel though an open inlet valve requires very
large injectors and is only really posible up to the midrage of RPM.


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