Andrew Renshaw

Totally agree Paul,

About two years ago some nice lorry overtaking at high speed shed some of
it's stones from the local quarry and my Disco windscreen was shattered
completely. So I phoned up Autowindscreens and asked them to come out. The
conversation went:-

"Sorry sir we dont have a Discovery screen in stock"

Well what do I do - I asked

Well sir it is monday today - can you bring it in on Friday

I am 300 mile from home and I need it doing now

Ring back in five mins sir

Five mins ensues

Okay Sir we have sourced a Windscreen - can you bring it to us tomorrow and
leave it until Friday

No I can't - Goodbye I bellowed


> I've had mine replaced ('96 300 Disco) and while it doesn't leak, the
> increase in wind noise is irritating. Mine doesn't have roof bars ... yet
> they also said this could be the cause .. The general fit was abominal,

> they wouldn't re-do it as they said it was a bitch to do on Discos anyway,
> and they might get the second one even worse !!
> When I get chance I'm thinking of using a general purpose 'bathroom seal'
> silicone sealant to close the gaps down a tad and hopefully cut down the
> noise, and stop the trim from flapping when on the motorways .. ;)
> Personally I dislike windscreen replacers. They all, from my limited

> or four replaced windscreens in 30+ years of driving) employ monkeys as
> fitters, who care about the fit and finish rather less than they should.
> --
> Paul ...
> (8(|) ... Homer Rocks
> "A tosser is a tosser, no matter what mode of transport they're using."

hmmmmm not just me then eh.

Paul the bars that I am refering to are actually inside the roof skin at the
front. Its a ladder frame that I would only presume as pieces of steel spot
welded together, now how on earth they can become "mis-aligned" I do not
know! Richard says that Range Rovers were prone to this if the front of the
roof was not supported whilst the screen was out, surely if the roof had
"moved" in any way then the glass would not fit back in without a struggle,
and the fitter never struggled because I helped him in with it. (he was on
his own)

I have had a look at the service bulletin today, and theres one out for top
seal leaking, and the fix was basicly to run RTV into gap between the glass
and the body work, which was what I had in mind anyway. Simple, just use
your noggin and realise how water falls really.


"Andrew Renshaw" <andrew.hart.i hate spam@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> Totally agree Paul,
> About two years ago some nice lorry overtaking at high speed shed some of
> it's stones from the local quarry and my Disco windscreen was shattered
> completely. So I phoned up Autowindscreens and asked them to come out. The
> conversation went:-
> "Sorry sir we dont have a Discovery screen in stock"
> Well what do I do - I asked
> Well sir it is monday today - can you bring it in on Friday
> I am 300 mile from home and I need it doing now
> Ring back in five mins sir
> Five mins ensues
> Okay Sir we have sourced a Windscreen - can you bring it to us tomorrow

> leave it until Friday
> No I can't - Goodbye I bellowed
> Pratts
> Andy
> >
> > I've had mine replaced ('96 300 Disco) and while it doesn't leak, the
> > increase in wind noise is irritating. Mine doesn't have roof bars ...

> > they also said this could be the cause .. The general fit was abominal,

> but
> > they wouldn't re-do it as they said it was a bitch to do on Discos

> > and they might get the second one even worse !!
> >
> > When I get chance I'm thinking of using a general purpose 'bathroom

> > silicone sealant to close the gaps down a tad and hopefully cut down the
> > noise, and stop the trim from flapping when on the motorways .. ;)
> >
> > Personally I dislike windscreen replacers. They all, from my limited

> (three
> > or four replaced windscreens in 30+ years of driving) employ monkeys as
> > fitters, who care about the fit and finish rather less than they should.
> >
> > --
> > Paul ...
> >
> > (8(|) ... Homer Rocks
> >
> > "A tosser is a tosser, no matter what mode of transport they're using."
> >
> >


On or around Mon, 16 Aug 2004 15:22:13 +0000 (UTC), "Alistair"
<aechlin@btopenworld.com> enlightened us thusly:

>I have had a look at the service bulletin today, and theres one out for top
>seal leaking, and the fix was basicly to run RTV into gap between the glass
>and the body work, which was what I had in mind anyway. Simple, just use
>your noggin and realise how water falls really.

my 200-type (not a bonded screen) was leaking at the top of the windscreen.
Silicone sealer in behind the seal seems to have fixed it.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" (sieze today, and put
as little trust as you can in tomorrow) Horace (65 - 8 BC) Odes, I.xi.8
In article <_f0Uc.66$yv.15@newsfe2-gui.ntli.net>, "Andrew Renshaw"
<andrew.hart.i hate spam@ntlworld.com> says...
> About two years ago some nice lorry overtaking at high speed shed some of
> it's stones from the local quarry and my Disco windscreen was shattered
> completely.

If this happens to anyone, get a note of the company the vehicle is from
and give them a call. Tell them that as a courtesy you're informing them
that you're about to call the police to report an unsafe load on one of
their vehicles that damaged your car, and that your insurance company
will be in touch.

You'll find that they're suddenly eager to recompense you for any damage
caused, let's not mention it to anyone else, eh?

Happened a few times around at home with various quarries. They're
responsible for damage from anything that falls off the back, including
stone chippings.

On or around Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:03:15 +0100, Aled <news@thinknuts.net>
enlightened us thusly:

>You'll find that they're suddenly eager to recompense you for any damage
>caused, let's not mention it to anyone else, eh?
>Happened a few times around at home with various quarries. They're
>responsible for damage from anything that falls off the back, including
>stone chippings.

good point, that.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
Blue: The sky is blue for a reason. Blue light is a source of strength
and harmony in the cosmos. Create a blue light in your life by
telephoning the police
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.

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