
Perhaps you need to sit back and re-read what you have written and
really consider who is the clueless, gullible,misguided nitwit.

At least learn how to post properly.

>Hash: SHA1
>It's getting a bit tiresome seeing one misguided American after another with
>their cutsie little yellow or red-white-blue ribbons on their outsized SUVs.
>Yeah, I guess it's the thing to do; maybe part of that whole soccer-mom
>culture. Unfortunately, the only thing they demonstrate is that the person
>behind the wheel is a clueless, gullible, misguided, nitwit.
>If foreign invaders landed on our soil, as we have done in Iraq, I would be
>the first one to take up arms and repel them. (I suppose that would make me
>an 'insurgent' by OUR logic.) This, and other aggressive governments have
>always done their utmost to make it APPEAR as if committing yourself to kill
>in feuds on distant shores that have nothing to do with the welfare of the
>citizenry is somehow patriotic.
>It is not.
>Enlisting in the armed forces, in the absence of a real and impending
>foreign threat, is no different that hiring yourself as a paid assassin . .
>the only difference is, you're not getting paid enough. But let's take a
>realistic look at exactly WHO joins up in an all-volunteer army.
>The first group are those who join (during peacetime) for the benefits: to
>get an education, or because it seems a reasonable career path. Consider
>carefully! Realize that you are gambling with your humanity. Once you sign
>that form, you sign away your right to say: "No, that is an atrocity." You
>put your abilities, including the ability to kill, at the disposal of proven
>liars, psychopaths . . . enemies of humanity. Do you think that every German
>soldier in World War II who helped load Jews into cattle cars was a
>cold-blooded killer? Most were poor kids, just like you, who got caught up
>in the patriotic frenzy. Once you're in, you're IN. You lose the ability to
>stop killing until they tell you so. This not only makes you less than
>human, it makes you less than an animal, for even the animals retain their
>freedom of self determination.
>The second group are the simple minded, who fall for patriotic entreaties
>about defending democracy, Mom, apple pie; in other words, all the
>traditional government propaganda. Do you think Soviet lads subjugated their
>neighbors throughout the world because they thought the Soviet Union was an
>EVIL empire? No, they were fighting for MOM, and whatever passes for apple
>pie in Russia. Step back and examine the lies your government is handing
>you, and ask yourself if they have the ring of truth. Do you want to be one
>of the murderers in uniform who opened up on their fellow citizens at Kent
>State? When you put on that uniform, you give up all autonomy, and become
>nothing more than a weapon, to be used for whatever evil purposes the
>scoundrels in government demand (and, if you look carefully, you will
>discover that the only interests THEY serve are those of the big businesses
>that own them.)
>Finally, you have the hard-core psychopaths. These are the people who WANT
>to kill. Murder, torture, rape; THESE are the American values upon which
>THIS group is focused. The cause doesn't matter, they're after the thrill
>that only warfare can provide.
>Just remember: killing for George W. Bush, or for George H.W. Bush, or for
>Lyndon B. Johnson, or for Richard M. Nixon is not the same as defending
>yourself, your family, your friends, or your country. Don't be a dupe. Don't
>Remember -- supporting the troops means supporting Bush aggression,
>profiteering, and war crimes. Here's an idea: why not take those ribbons,
>dip them in blood, and mail them to the White House?


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