Doug Kanter

"donquijote1954" <nolionnoproblem@hotmail.com> wrote in message

> A specific location in which police wait in concealment, hoping to
> catch unwary motorists speeding. For example, a police car might wait
> behind a bridge or overpass, out of sight of approaching motorists and
> then pull out once they pass. Alternatively, an officer hiding in a
> bush or behind a fence might radar passing motorists and radio their
> license numbers to a partner in a car further down the road. Often,
> this type of operation uses remote speed detection devices such as a
> radar gun to track cars' speeds.

I always thought a speed trap was a stretch of road where, for various
reasons, most drivers' sense of speed was distorted. Vague, but able to be
determined by an inordinate number of speeders being observed.


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